We Believe
Our Core Beliefs

Here at Lynnwood Reformed Church:

We beleive our God is the Almighty Creator of all there is, Jesus is God's Son, and the Holy Spirit who gives us life and renews us. 

We believe scripture is the foundational guide for our life of faith. 

We believe in three creeds that were written in the first few centuries after Jesus’s death: the Apostles’ Creed, the Nicene Creed, and the Athanasian Creed.

We hold to four statements of belief to help guide us in our life of faith: the Heidelberg Catechism, the Belgic Confession, the Canons of Dort, and the Belhar Confession.

Who is welcome?
We Uphold the Following Welcome Statement

At Lynnwood Reformed Church, we affirm the great diversity of God's creation in our communities. This diversity includes persons from various economic, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds, gender expressions and sexual identities, and gifted with a variety of abilities. We also believe that God's unconditional love, as demonstrated through Jesus Christ, is intended for all. As such, all people are welcome to participate fully in the life of the church.

Core Ministry Values
We Strive to Live by These Values
  • Value 1: Being an inclusive/welcoming community where all can belong
  • Value 2: Vibrant, dynamic, relevant worship experiences that encourage congregational participation
  • Value 3: Faith Formation and Spiritual Growth for youth and all ages
  • Value 4: Missions, service, and community outreach

Part of Something Bigger than Ourselves

Governed By Local, Regional, and National Councils - Click the Photos to Learn More